Six run-ins with the unhelpful Rio Tinto

June 10, 2010

Rio Tinto is used to being rumbled by unions and green groups but this shouldn't justify the pretty poor communications with its shareholders more generally that we've encountered at six gatherings over the years.

Rio Tinto April 27, 2001
Dominated by unions and green groups - see Crikey.

Rio Tinto May 4, 2006
The day a mining giant was humbled by its shareholders - see Crikey. 2006 AGM transcript

Rio Tinto Sept 28, 2007
Approving the Alcan takeover and waving the Aussie flag - see package of highlights.

Rio Tinto April 24, 2008
Plummy chairman Paul Skinner limited debate - see package of highlights

Rio Tinto April 20, 2009
- listen to audio, see Mayne Report, see Business Day article

Rio Tinto May 26, 2010
- listen to audio, see Crikey, see Mayne Report