Speeches given in 2004

June 15, 2010

Here is a list of almost 20 speeches given by Stephen Mayne in 2004, plus any relevent feedback.

6th Annual Custody and Administration Conference: Feb 26, 2004
That's custody, as in financial custodians

Property Council of Australia: Mar 18, 2004
Dinner speech to national executive gathering

Australian Super Investment Conference
see feedback

Australian Institute of Company Directors: May 5-7, 2004
Spoke at two sessions - see feedback , see AICD speakers website

Julian Burnside debate: May 3, 2004
Debate with Robert Manne and Ramona Koval - see feedback

Ozprospect: 2004 defamation seminar: May 18, 2004
Panel discussion with Peter Bartlett about defo laws - see events program

Chartered Secretaries Association: June 10, 2004
Panel discussion about corporate governance with Telstra company secretary

Australian Investors' Association: June 17, 2004
One hour presentation at annual conference on corporate governance

Centre for Corporate Public Affairs: June 22, 2004
Dinner speaker for annual Geoff Allan spinner training course

Canberra spindoctors at the Press Club: July 6, 2004
Joint speech with Christian Kerr just after he came out as Hillary Bray

Melbourne International Film Festival: July 29, 2004
Hosted discussion with Mark Achbar, director of The Corporation

Media training day at ASX Theatrette: Aug 20, 2004
Panel discussion for corporates on handling the media

Conference of Major Super Funds (CMSF): Sept 10, 2004
Annual summary of major corporate governance events of the year

Melbourne Rotary Club: Sept 13, 2004
Breakfast presentation on corporate scene

Bert Newton: Sept 17, 2003
A discussion about the Federal election with old Moon Face on Channel 10

Parliamentary Committee on corporations and financial services: 14 Apr, 2004
See the hansard

RMIT: 2004 PR breakfast: Oct 14, 2004
Panel discussion about the media - see Weekly Bulletin.

Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation: Nov 9, 2004
Panel discussion on corporate governance led by Prof. Ian Ramsay

Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation: Nov 18, 2004
Panel discussion on corporate governance led by Prof Ian Ramsay

Young & Jackson's
Cocktail speech for alumni from SMS Technology