
Catherine West ends run of 60 male media chairs

This list tracks chairs of ASX listed Australian media and advertising companies. That's 60 men and just 1 woman with the appointment of Catherine West to succeed Peter Costello as Nine chair. If we've missed any, please email

Jun. 20, 2024

What happens to directors in takeovers?

This list tracks the so-called "social issues" at board level when public companies merge or are taken over.

Jul. 9, 2024

Chronology of corporate law change in Australia

Here is a chronology of material corporate law, tax and capital raising legal changes in Australia which have impacted investing and governance on the ASX. If we've missed any big ones, please email

Jun. 4, 2024

Former pollies on ASX-listed boards

This list tracks 57 former Australian politicians who have or still serve on public company boards. Send any corrections of additions to

Jun. 23, 2024

History of Endeavour Group, including activism campaigning

This page tracks the history of pokies giant Endeavour Group, including activist campaigns to get Bruce Mathieson and Woolworths to the reform table.

Jan. 9, 2024

History of Transurban

Key events in the history of Transurban and Australia's tollroad building industry.

Aug. 22, 2024

Constitutions which make it hard for external board tilts

This list looks at ASX-listed companies which had restrictions, or attempted to put restrictions on outsiders running for their boards. They are most commonly slipped in with IPOs or demergers.

Oct. 13, 2024

How chairs and CEOs depart in quick succession

Chairs and CEOs of troubled companies tend to depart in quick succession, as this list demonstrates. Will the same apply at Nine after Peter Costello abruptly exited as chair on June 9, 2024?

Jun. 10, 2024

Constitutional requirements for boards

This list tracks the board size constraints and nomination requirements at major ASX listed companies.

Sep. 23, 2024

How public companies announce CEO sackings for bad behaviour

This list looks at the way public companies announce they have sacked their CEO for poor behaviour. Many CEOs are terminated against their wishes, but few disclose the specifics.

May. 6, 2024

Current non-independent nominee directors of ASX300 companies

This list looks at current non-independent shareholder nominee directors of ASX300 companies, excluding founders.

Jun. 10, 2024

Is Neil Chatfield a deal junkie?

Here are link to the various takeover deals announced by companies where Neil Chatfield was on the board.

Jun. 18, 2023

Executives who have sat on other un-related listed boards

This list tracks CEOs or executive directors of major companies who have simultaneously been non executive directors of other un-related major public companies, a practice which really should only happen at the tail end of a CEO's executive career.

Jan. 2, 2023

The busiest Australian directors at a point in time

This list looks at Australia's busiest directors at a point in time in their careers.

May. 8, 2023

Female directors who resigned early

A typical director will do 6-10 years on a public company board so when someone chooses to go in less than two terms, it should be explained. This list looks at the trend where female directors tend to leave boards after shorter terms, usually without explanation.

Mar. 10, 2023

Female chairs of ASX 200 companies

This list tracks all the female directors who have chaired ASX200 companies.

Apr. 22, 2022

Biggest votes against incumbent chairs as directors

This list tracks the biggest double digit votes against incumbent chairs of ASX200 listed companies.

Apr. 16, 2022

NEDs who became CEOs and former CEOs who returned as NEDs

This list tracks non-executive directors of listed companies who previously held an executive position at the company, plus NEDs who then became a senior executive.

Jan. 7, 2024

ASX-listed chairs rushed into the job

We are of the view that a director needs at least 12 months on a board before taking over as chair. This list tracks chairs of ASX100 companies who were rushed into the job.

Jun. 7, 2021

Tenure of AFL Presidents

This list tracks the tenure of AFL Presidents ahead of the 2017 footy club AGM season.

Jun. 7, 2021

Tenure limits in place with boards and leaders

This list looks at tenure limits, binding and advisory, that apply in various leadership institutions. Interesting concept should be more widely applied.

May. 30, 2019

Voting support for non-independent executive chairs

This list tracks the voting support that non-independent executive chairs of ASX200 companies have attracted since 2002. What it demonstrates is that despite all this talk about having an independent chairman, investors are reluctant to vote against the chairman.

Jun. 7, 2021

Past female CEOs of ASX-listed companies

This list tracks past female CEOs of ASX-listed companies and assesses how they fared. Needs an update.

Apr. 16, 2022

Rating expat CEOs of Australian companies

Here is a list looking at the records of expat CEOs brought in to run Australian companies.

Jun. 7, 2021

Australia's longest serving non-executive directors

Ever wondered who our longest serving executive and non-executive directors are? Try these out for interesting lists. We've set a $500 million cut-off in terms of market capitalisation, so please send any additions or corrections to

Nov. 30, 2023

Australian chairs getting busier and less independent

The Australian directors club is becoming even more concentrated with too few doing too much.

By Stephen Mayne, Nov. 12, 2022

The out of town chairs whose companies struggle

The Mayne Report has long had a theory that trouble is more likely to hit public companies which have a chairman who lives in a different city from the head office and CEO. The near collapse of Commander Communications is the latest addition to the list.

Sep. 7, 2023