
Links to reports on how super funds vote

January 20, 2017

This list provides links to various pension funds globally which periodically disclose how they vote shares in listed companies.

Australian Super: provides a quarterly voting report and a separate report on international voting. Excellent level of timely disclosure.

Caresuper: comprehensive 6 monthly report on every motion, but somehow missed my tilts at CBA, Woolworths and Cabcharge in late 2014.

Hesta: provides a 2 page voting summary every six months which gives generic information but no specifics.

IAG and NRMA super: produces a 2 page annual report generically outlining how its three external managers vote relative to management recommendations.

Local Government Super:

Sun Super: provides a 3 page half yearly report which include overall data on ASX voting but no breakdown. Has released reports in the past of up 600 pages outlining international voting.