
Past female CEOs of ASX300 companies

December 30, 2024

This list tracks past female CEOs of ASX300 companies. Needs an update.

Sandra Dodds: joined Downer EDI in 2003 as CEO. Was formerly Executive General Manager of Finance at Fulton Hogan New Zealand.

Nicole Hollows: Nicole was appointed in Chief Executive Officer of Macarthur Coal in January 2007 and Managing Director in June 2007. Prior to this Nicole held the positions of Acting CEO, Deputy CEO and Chief Financial Officer.

Catherine Livingstone: arguably the most accomplished female CEO from her six-year stint running Cochlear up until 2000, before she embarked on a 20-plus year career as a professional director chairing the likes of Telstra and CBA.

Kerrie Mather: was the inaugural CEO of Macquarie Airports when it listed in 2002 and remained as CEO of the independent MAp Group in 2010, which later became Sydney Airports.

Sue Morphet: was appointed CEO of Pacific Brands in January 2008. Prior to this, Sue was Group General Manager of Underwear & Hosiery at Pacific Brands, the largest operating group within the business. Under her leadership, the Bonds team relaunched the iconic brand, more than doubling sales and taking the brand to women for the first time.

Katie Page: long-time CEO of retailing giant Harvey Norman and married to controlling shareholder Gerry Harvey.

Maureen Plasvic: a director of Pacific Brands, National Gallery of Victoria and Macquarie Radio. Was previously CEO of the Seven Network and a director of Opera Australia, which was sponsored by Seven.