
Tracking recent Manningham council meetings

February 26, 2025

This list tracks City of Manningham council meetings since the October 2020 elections, noting any interesting developments or debates along with links to the minutes and the webcast.

February 25, 2025: a 2 hour and 11 minute meeting with everything unanimous and no amendments.

December 10, 2024: a skinny 93 page agenda which led to a brief 41 minute meeting with everything unanimous and no amendments. There was a quarterly planning report, a draft road management plan and changes to community panels.

November 26, 2024: a 148 page agenda which led to a 52 minute meeting with everything unanimous and no amendments. The only major items were the quarterly financial report and the various committee appointments for the next 12 months.

November 19, 2024: 59 minute annual meeting to appoint Deirdre Diamante as mayor and Andrew Conlon as deputy mayor with lots of welcome and thank you speeches.

October 15, 2024: a 315 page agenda which was mainly the 2023-24 annual report and little else given it was during caretaker. With strong pressure for no one to speak, it only lasted 9 minutes and 35 seconds.

September 16, 2024: a 511 page agenda which led to a lively 2hr and 58 minute public meeting but with everything unanimous and no amendments. There were farewell speeches for the mayor, a big 403 apartment planning application at 2 Frederick St in Doncaster, a submission on the future of the Doncaster park and ride which closes for 3 years in January 2025, a submission cautioning about big changes to Res-Code, a wrap of the term from a committee point of view, the regular quarterly financial report, the annual financials, a report from the independent audit committee chair and then, in confidential, we dealt with the EOI process on the old Doncaster quarry and the CEO's annual performance review. The quarry/depot decision - to abandon the tender/sale process - was disclosed on page 519 of the minutes but not how the votes fell or any attempted amendments.

August 27, 2024: a 469 page agenda which led to a lively 3 hour and 25 minute meeting with the longest debate about a covered bowls green in the sports infrastructure policy but also plenty of debate on our submission to the State Govt's housing targets inquiry, the final capital works reports, a new expenses policy and a big development next to Bunnings on Doncaster Rd. There were also multiple petitions and public questions and a tribute to the late Rob Spargo, Manningham's excellent CFO from 2005-2014. See minutes.

July 23, 2024: a 135 page agenda which delivered a relatively brief 46 minute meeting which included some tweaked governance rules, the quarterly planning report and an update plan for the $25m upgrade of the outdoor facilities at Aquarena. See minutes.

June 25, 2024: a 234 page agenda which delivered a 1hr and 44 minute meeting which included the final 2024-25 budget and 10 year financial plan, an excellent EV charging points contract, the annual grants program and a broader community panel for the period ahead. See minutes.

May 28, 2024: a lively agenda which delivered a 2 hr and 15 minute debate including the 2024-25 draft budget, the sports infrastructure and allocations policy, final gambling policy, some community grants and a review of Manningham's governance rules. No public questions and meeting lasted 135 minutes. Mayor Carli Lange voted against freezing the waste charge, preferring the 2.75% increase recommended by officers. Cr Lange also supported Andrew Conlon's amendment to cut council's funding share of electronic score boards from 50% to 20%. See minutes.

April 23, 2024: a 332 page agenda which delivered a 54 minute meeting which included activity centre design guidelines, sporting inclusion policy, capital works report and the audit committee chair's bi-annual report. The meeting only lasted for 54 minutes. See minutes.

March 26, 2024: almost 1 hour of Gaza questions at the 80 minute meeting, then the launch of our draft residential strategy review, followed by confidential items on aged care and the future of the quarry. See minutes.

February 27, 2024: the two hour meeting was dominated by Cr Lightbody's Palestine motion which went down 5-4. Others topics included the draft gambling policy, the health and wellbeing plan, two quarterly reports and a very expensive tree pruning contract. See minutes.

December 12, 2023: the lengthy 2 hour and 34 minute meeting started with plenty of public questions on water recycling and Schramms Cottage which were the two longest debates as the $38m Yarra Valley Water proposal was supported 8-1 and then an alternative motion from Cr Anna Chen to spend $3.55m building a visitor centre at Schramms Cottage was supported unanimously. Other notable items included a kindergartens status report, a report on communicating with multicultural communities, some committee appointments, a new pricing policy for open space sporting clubs which capped turf cricket club price rises at 10% a year and the introduction of a cut curfew. See minutes.

November 28, 2023: A 71 minute meeting covering capital works updates, the September quarterly report, a new procurement model for major road projects and the libraries annual report. An attempt to index community house funding for inflation was only supported by Cr Lightbody and the Maynes. See minutes.

November 2, 2023: the 46 minute annual council meeting saw Cr Carli Lange elected as mayor and Cr Laura Mayne as deputy mayor for the final 12 months of this term. See minutes.

October 31, 2023: a long meeting which lasted 2 hours and 17 minutes. See 361 page agenda which included Warrandyte sub-division, SM service award, final housing policy, planning reform implications report, Athletics track usage plan, annual report, end of senior executive pay disclosure and a motion to report on Mannacare well-being and arrangements within 12 months. See minutes.

September 26, 2023: a 77 minute meeting. See 131 page agenda which included economic development strategy, quarterly report, advisory committee recruitment, audit chair biannual report and confidential items on strategic property and an adviser for the CEO performance review committee. See minutes.

September 12, 2023: Special 12 minute meeting to approve the 2022-23 accounts. See minutes.

August 22, 2023: See agenda which covers Community Infrastructure Plan, Aquarena outdoor masterplan, nature strip guide, and the EOFY capital works report. Meeting lasted 1 hour and 43 minutes and included an additional supplementary motion seeking more information on council's 25 kinders. See minutes.

July 25, 2023: a 97 minute meeting covering a North East link update, Manningham's planning record, a deal with Visy on recycling stations, approval of the draft economic development strategy. Thanked Dan for pokies reform at the end. Watch archive of webcast. See minutes.

June 27, 2023: long meeting running 2 hours and 14 minutes, featuring a flood mapping update, the 2023-24 budget, 10 year financial plan, general valuation, grant allocations and health and wellbeing plan. Watch archive of webcast. See minutes.

May 30, 2023: 1 hour and 48 minute meeting including local laws approval, vibrant villages plan, the first planning application since February 2022, a Census motion from Cr Lightbody and all the various budget, 10 year plan, quarterly report and capital works update reports. Watch archive of webcast. See minutes.

April 26, 2023: 1 hour and 22 minute meeting including 14 minute of debate which terminated the $3.5m Macedon Square project. Also passed the draft community infrastructure plan and the tree planting policy. Watch archive of webcast. See minutes.

March 28, 2023: 1 hour and 28 minute meeting including sports facility development plan, Aquarena outdoor plan, MAV motion, state govt advocacy update and 3 confidential items including a new contract for the CEO. See minutes.

February 28, 2023: 1 hour and 47 minute public meeting including 35 minutes of public questions at the start, the draft sports field pricing policy, a strong EV and gambling motion for ALGA, approval of the RAP, the Wonga Park reserve masterplan, half year financial and capital works reports, a motion calling for a report on the North East Link and 4 confidential items, which took another half an hour. See minutes and watch archive of webcast.

December 13, 2022: 91 minute meeting covering 2023 committee appointments, a new community grants policy taking in Community Houses, the climate action plan, finalisation of the 4 year planning review, a Stephen Mayne motion to review planning delegations and a confidential property matter at the end. See minutes and watch archive of the webcast.

November 22, 2022: 65 minute meeting covering some committee retirements, the library annual report, the eastern region sports strategy and September quarter report. See minutes and watch webcast archive.

November 3, 2022: 48 minute annual meeting where Cr Deirdre Diamante was elected as mayor for the next 12 months and Cr Tomas Lightbody as deputy mayor. See minutes.

October 25, 2022: RAP, annual report, June quarter update, Kevin Heinze masterplan, asset management plan and 3 confidential items. See minutes.

September 27, 2022: 52 minute meeting including draft changes to local laws sent out to public consultation, advocacy for State Government to better maintain arterial roads, a revised Freedom of the City policy and a unanimously supported Stephen Mayne motion on pokies operators bidding for the Leisure Services contract. See minutes.

August 23, 2022: 58 minute covering $44m capital works spend, establishment of new Recreation and Sport Advisory Committee, 12 key state election asks, the winding up of the MRA and two motions for the upcoming MAV state council dealt with in urgent business covering Parks Victoria maintenance and the operating hours of libraries and pokies venues. Everything unanimous with Cr Diamante an apology. See minutes.

July 26, 2022: 1 hour and 32 minute meeting with longest debate on the 20 year Liveable City Strategy, which was passed 8-1 with 4 amendments. A proposed 4 week deferral to explore further amendments was defeated 5-4. Other items included strong endorsement of the Hansen Partnership redevelopment plan for the State Government's Doncaster Park & Ride site, endorsement of the Integrated Water Management plan and the final approval for removal of site flooding overlays on the cluster of properties around Hillcrest Grove. A motion on property valuation disclosure was also unanimously supported. See minutes.

June 28, 2022: marathon 3 hour and 20 minute meeting with longest debates being two budget amendments related to climate change and sporting facility funding.The extra 400k in climate spending was defeated 5-4 and the extra 750k in lighting and netting investment at sports ovals was supported 5-4, with deputy mayor Diamante being the swing vote. There was also a unanimously supported grants amendment giving $20,000 to Vantage Point, which led to a supplementary motion from Cr Gough calling for a review of our grants policies. There were multiple public questions on Macedon Square and a motion on Heide and the Yarra Valley Country Club which was supported 5-2. The Leisure Services officer recommendation was also amended on the floor. See minutes.

May 24, 2022: 2 hour meeting featuring cat confinement debate in Domestic Animals Management Plan, restoration of some lost funding to Neighborhood Houses, Anderson Park masterplan, more advisory committee appointments and the draft 2022-23 budget and 10 year financial plan. See minutes.

April 26, 2022: 84 minute public meeting followed by a confidential item on property matters. Public debate covered flood mapping, climate action plan, FOGO waste management plan, Federal election advocacy plan and plenty more, with all items unanimously supported. See minutes.

March 22, 2022: 80 minute meeting. Melbourne Water flood mapping petition, committee terms and appointments, capital works update, risk register and footpaths. An amendment to the committees motion called for a report on the establishment of a sport and recreation advisory committee at the May council meeting, which ended up coming to the July meeting. The major debate was over a proposed budget capital works budget amendment increasing sports netting funding by $500,000 which was defeated 5-4, with Crs Gough, Diamante, Chen, Conlon and Mayor Kleinert voting against. See minutes.

February 22, 2022: a 1 hour and 37 minute meeting. Chapel Hill height increase on Doncaster Hill, the Pines, 15 Glendale Ave permit granted, Suburban Rail Loop submission, first quarterly report with developer contributions and Cr Mayne's motion to restore funding to Community Houses, which was amended and then unanimously supported, leading to a subsequent officer report. See minutes.

December 14, 2021: a 55 minute meeting. Brian Cork petition and questions, tree valuation policy, CEO KPIs and waste contract extension. See minutes.

November 23, 2021: a 75 minute meeting with 10 items of business and a 634 page agenda. Templestowe Hotel planning permit, draft Anderson Park masterplan, Arundel Rd closure, library and council annual reports. See minutes.

November 4, 2021: a 41 minute annual meeting of council when Cr Michelle Kleinert elected mayor and Cr Deirdre Diamante elected deputy mayor. See minutes.

October 26, 2021: an 83 minute meeting on zoom. Health and Wellbeing strategy, first draft of ambitious climate targets, reworked governance rules, flags policy, more COVID relief, CEO pay in confidential and Stephen Mayne motion on timing of committee appointments to decouple them from the annual mayoral election and give the new mayor time to oversee the review process. See minutes.

September 27, 2021: confidential special council meeting called by Crs Stephen Mayne, Deirdre Diamante and Tomas Lightbody regarding a potential property acquisition. Was conducted on Teams and Crs voted not to participate in the EOI process after considering an officer recommendation.

September 14, 2021: 7 minute zoom meeting approving the 2020-21 financial statements and taking submissions on Arundel Rd closure. See minutes.

August 24, 2021: 90 minute meeting. Procurement policy, Thompsons Rd child care/apartments development, excellent bulk retirement of policies, approval 10 year financial plan, 4 year council plan and updated governance rules. see minutes.

July 27, 2021: 58 minute zoom meeting including community partnerships, draft health and wellbeing strategy and a Cr Mayne motion calling for more disclosure in the quarterly financial reports. See minutes.

June 29, 2021: 128 minute physical meeting including the 2022-23 budget, 10 year year financial plan, 4 year council plan, draft Yarra strategic plan, final Ruffey Lake Park masterplan, 2021-22 grant outcomes and new Tree Amenity policy. See minutes.

May 25, 2021: 98 minute in person meeting. Final Tullamore apartment complex approval, Yarra Strategic Plan, draft 2021-22 budget and first voted to permanently close Arundel Rd West in Park Orchards, an issue which would return in two subsequent meetings. See minutes.

April 20, 2021: 90 minute in person meeting. Helen Jurcevic community bus questions, formal acceptance of community panel recommendations complete with panelist speeches, amendment to 3 motions for upcoming MAV State Council. See minutes.

March 23, 2021: 2hr 40 minute in person meeting with first public gallery in 12 months. 5 separate petitions on Finns Reserve, seating, the Jackson Court pop-up park, Hilltop Crescent flooding overlsays, Macedon Square and Aquarena. Also dealt with Cr pay rise issue and council's opposition to rezone of Yarra Valley Country Club. Longest debate was 40 minutes on Community Housing funding, which was only narrowly extended for 6 months in line with the officer recommendation after a 5-4 vote. See minutes.

February 23, 2021: 80 minute in person meeting with no gallery. Ruffey St petition, public toilet plan, more COVID financial relief, waste contract, excellent Darebin power purchase deal and mid year capital works report showing $14m of $47m spent in first 6 months, with a $2.85m top up for the Petty's Reserve soccer facility, bringing it up to $11m in total. See minutes.

January 28, 2021: 1 hr 47 minute in person meeting with no gallery. Urgent motion on CBA branch closure at Macedon Square, motion kicking off governance rules review, Cr Lightbody motion on Midsumma march, Cr pay report and question calling for Yarra Valley Country Club report to come to the March council meeting. See minutes.

December 15, 2020: a 72 minute meeting. Library annual report, Templestowe RSL acquisition disclosed with pokies ban noted, Macedon Square upgrade deferred, sports allocations and infrastructure policy, Cr pay and September quarter report, which was threadbare compared to the level of disclosure now adopted in 2024. See minutes.

November 24, 2020: a 52 minute meeting. Macedon petition, 2 planning applications (Clay Drive and Doncaster Rd) and committee appointments. See minutes.

November 10, 2020: swearing in of councillors, election of Andrew Conlon as mayor. Acceptance speeches. Lasted 94 minutes. See minutes.

ALGA business papers