10.42am VIC: International Equities: strange no actual proxy results included in announcement.
10.30am, VIC: Cardia Bioplastics: 4% protest against placement.
10.42am, QLD: Laneway Resources: no protests
10.47am, NSW: Central West Gold: no protests
10.51am, VIC: Stokes: no protests
Only 5 up until 11am, with none from WA
11.08am, NSW: World.net Services: no protests
11.10am, VIC: Cohiba Minerals: no protests
11.13am, QLD: International Coal: no protests
11.18am, NSW: PBD Developments: 4-5% against NED fee rise and 10% placement expansion
11.25am, WA: World Titanium Resources: 17-20% protests against all 4 items
11.31am, VIC: Botswana Metals: no protests
11.34am, WA: Advanced Breaking Technology: protests of up to 20%
11.34am: QLD: Astivita: no protests
11.42am, NSW: Cuesta Coal: 4% against 10% placement capacity expansion
11.46am, WA: Coal Fe Resources: no protests
11.48am, WA: Terrain Minerals: no protests
11.50am, WA: Korab Resources: no protests
11.56am, ACT: Dyesol: 19% against rem report due to large number of exclusions
11.58am, QLD: Southern Cross Goldfields: no protests
14 companies in the hour and a total of 19 before noon. Vic in front on 5 with WA, NSW and Queensland equal second on 4 each.
12.01pm, VIC: Bisan: no protests
12.03pm, WA: Shree Minerals: no protests
12.08pm, NSW: Silver Mines: no protests
12.09pm, NSW: Astro Resources: on a strike with the proxies but declared rem passed on show of hands. Dubious.
12.14pm, VIC: Motopia: 5-8% protests against all resolutions
12.19pm, VIC: Clinuval: 5-12% against all items
12.22pm, NSW: White Energy: only one modest protest against Eddie Obeid's former partners
12.26pm, WA: Plymouth Minerals: no protests
12.28pm, NSW: Firstfolio: modest protests against directors Eric Dodd and David Walker, plus rem report
12.30pm, VIC: Environmental Clean Tech: big protest against director Carter
12.33pm, NSW: ASF Group: no protests
12.36pm, NSW: ORH Ltd: no protests
12.45pm, NSW: Oncosil Medical: no protests
12.46pm, VIC: Nagambie Mining: no protests
12.48pm, VIC: Gale Pacific: 6% protest against CEO's LTI grant
12.48pm, VIC: Rhype: no protests
12.49pm, VIC: NewSat: modest protests against rem and Richard Green
12.50pm, WA: Virax: no protests
12.53pm, VIC: IM Medical: no protest
12.53pm, QLD: Orbis Gold: protests against LTI grant, placement and 10% threshhold
12.56pm, QLD: BPS Technology: no protests
12.58pm, SA: Tellus Resources: first strike, plus placement and director protests
22 companies in the hour with Victoria leading on 8, followed by NSW on 7 and just 3 from WA, 2 from Queensland and our first SA AGM of the day.
1.03pm, WA: Bone Medical: no protests
1.10pm, WA: OreCorp: no protests
1.19pm, WA: Hammer Metals: no protests
1.21pm, SA: Crest Minerals: issue of shares to an individual got smashed
1.21pm, QLD: Armous Energy: no protests
1.23pm, WA: New Horizon Coal: no protests
1.25pm, WA: BPH Energy: no protests
1.27pm, NSW: Argent Minerals: no protests
1.27pm, NSW: Lynas Corp: range of protests peaking at 30% for a director
1.28pm, NSW: Ord River Resources: no material protests
1.28pm, WA: Peninsula Energy: range of protests, peaked at almost 20%
1.29pm, WA: Spitfire Resources: no protests
1.30pm, WA: Excelsior Gold: lots of protests, with one resolution almost defeated
1.36pm, WA: Resource Star: no protests
1.36pm, WA: Blina Minerals: no protests
1.38pm, VIC: Vealls Ltd: no protests
1.44pm, VIC: Perpetual Resources: no protests
1.47pm, QLD: Guildford Coal: rem easily defeated along with 10% placement approval
1.47pm, VIC: MRG Metals: no protests
1.49pm, NSW: Clover Corp: no protests
1.52pm, WA: Corazon Mining: 10% against rem report
1.52pm, WA: Liberty Resources: amazing protests with rem defeated, spill approved and other pay resolutions defeated
1.54pm, WA: Cell Aquaculture: no protests
1.55pm, WA: Aleator Energy: a ridiculous 23 resolutions and circa 10% protest against 12 of them
1.59pm, SA: Blackfire Minerals: no protests
25 AGMs for the hour in total, the most so far today. First time WA took the hour with 14, followed by 4 from NSW, 3 from Victoria, 2 from Queensland and 1 from SA.
2.00pm, WA: XTD: no protests
2.00pm, WA: Crucible Gold: 35% against pay rise for directors
2.04pm, WA: Anova Minerals: no protests
2.05pm, QLD: Fertoz: no protests
2.05pm, SA: Iron Road Ltd: no protests
2.05pm, NSW: Resources & Energy Group: no protests
2.07pm, NSW: Metgasco: much calmer than previous with 4% protest against rem
2.07pm, QLD: Merah Resources: no protests
2.08pm, NSW: Gold Search: big protests across the board, including strike
2.08pm, NSW: Xanadu Mines: big protests across board and very well set out voting results
2.15pm, WA: Quintessential Resources: 7% against rem and more against a director
2.20pm, WA: VDM: no protests
2.25pm, VIC: Life Corp: no protests
2.26pm, NSW: Qanda Technology: no protests
2.33pm, WA: Valmec: no protests
2.35pm, NSW: Sinovus: no protests
2.36pm, WA: Newera Resources: no protests
2.39pm, WA: Discovery Resources: no protests
2.39pm, VIC: Isonea: Bruce Mathieson defeated options issue to an individual
2.40pm, WA: Cleveland Mining: no protests
2.44pm, WA: Ziptel: no protests
2.45pm, NSW: Broad Investments: 5% against equity grant to individual
2.47pm, WA: Athena Resources: no protests
2.50pm, WA: AVZ Minerals: no protests
2.51pm, NSW: Australian Unity Mining: no protests
2.51pm, WA: Encounter Resources: no protests
2.52pm, WA: Strike Resources: no protests
2.55pm, WA: Inca Minerals: 8% against rem report
2.55pm, NSW: Victor Group: no protests
2.56pm, WA: Regis Resources: 24% against resolution four
2.59pm, WA: Pan Asia Corp: 8% against rem report
2.59pm, WA: Rubicon Resources: no protests
2.59pm, VIC: Enviro Mission: staggering 42 resolutions, some modest protests
Busiest hour so far with 33 in total. Again, WA had the majority with 18, followed by 9 in NSW, 3 in Victoria, 2 in Queensland and 1 in SA.
3.00pm, WA: Whitecliff Minerals: 6% against some resolutions, way too wordy
3.00pm, WA: Riedal Resources: no protests
3.00pm, WA: Pancontinental Oil & Gas: 12% against a director
3.01pm, NSW: Intec Ltd: no protests
3.02pm, WA: TFS Corp: 9% against rem report
3.03pm, WA: OBL Ltd: 23% against one item
3.04pm, WA: General Mining Corp: director almost defeated
3.08pm, ACT: Xtec Ltd: no protests
3.08pm, WA: Integrated Resources: no protests
3.08pm, WA: Balamara Resources: no protests
3.09pm, WA: Gulf Minerals Corp: no protests
3.20pm, WA: Orion Gold: no protests
3.22pm, NSW: Ochre Group: no protests
3.22pm, WA: Celcius Coal: no protests
3.27pm, WA: West Peak Iron: no protests
3.28pm, WA: Frontier Resources: 8% against options issue
3.31pm, WA: Atrum Coal: no protests
3.32pm, WA: Anae Co: no protests
3.32pm, VIC: Southern Crown Resources: no protests
3.32pm, WA: Triton Minerals: no protests
3.33pm, QLD: Tamawood: no protests
3.34pm, NSW: Sandon Capital: no protests
3.35pm, VIC: Dromana Estate: no protests
3.36pm, WA: Echo Resources: no protests
3.38pm, NSW: 360 Capital Group: no protests
3.39pm, WA: Tox Free: no protests
3.40pm, WA: CI Resources: no protests, meeting held in Malaysia
3.42pm, NSW: Primary Healthcare: biggest protests of the day
3.43pm, WA: Galicia Energy: no protests
3.44pm, NSW: Adcorp: 9% against rem
3.44pm, WA: Solco: no protests
3.47pm, NSW: Future Generation Investment Fund: no protests
3.51pm, WA: Mutiny Gold: quite a mutiny on a number of resolutions
3.54pm, NSW: Golden Cross Resources: Chinese director defeated, opposition on board pay
3.55pm, WA: Royal Resources: no protests
3.57pm, WA: Stratos Metals: no protests
3.58pm, VIC: Genera Biosystems: no protests
3.58pm, WA: Namibian Copper: no protests
3.58pm, VIC: Metage Capital: 10% against placement capacity
3.59pm, NSW: Waratah Resources: First strike and other protests
41 for the hour with 24 from WA. 9 from NSW, 4 from Victoria and 1 from Queensland.
4.01pm, WA: Eza Corp: no protests
4.02pm, WA: Black Range Minerals: 11% against rem report
4.03pm, WA: Tribune Resources: no protests
4.03pm, NSW: Gulf Industrials: no protests
4.03pm, WA: Emu Nickel: no protests
4.04pm, NSW: Disruptive Investments: no protests
4.12pm, NSW: FSA Group: no protests
4.13pm, WA: Overland Resources: 30% against placement approval and 10% expansion
4.15pm, VIC: OGI Group: no protests
4.16pm, VIC: EVZ Ltd: double digit protests on all 3 items
4.17pm, NSW: Queensland Mining: material rem protest plus others
4.18pm, NSW: JAT Energy: no protests
4.19pm, WA: Globe Metals & Mining: biggest rem protest ever, plus others
4.20pm, WA: Rand Mining: no protests
4.28pm, VIC: Hawthorn Resources: no protests
4.34pm, NSW: Welcome Stranger Mining: no protests
4.36pm, VIC: 3D Resources: no protests
4.37pm, WA: Ram Resources: no protests
4.40pm, QLD: Lake Resources: illogical proxy announcement
4.40pm, NSW: Telepacific: no protests
4.42pm, VIC: Octanex Energy Exploration: no protests
4.44pm, WA: Kalnorth Goldmines: no protests, disclosed spill rejection numbers
4.48pm, WA: Genesis Minerals: no protests
4.51pm, WA: Golden Deeps: rem strike and other protests
4.52pm, QLD: Santana Minerals: no protests
4.53pm, WA: IndoChine: no protests
4.55pm, VIC: Enegex: no protests
4.58pm, NSW: WAM Capital: 10% against rem report
4.58pm, SA: Mithril Resources: no protests
29 for the hour with only from 12 from WA, 6 from NSW, 6 from Victoria, 2 from Queensland and 1 from SA.
5.01pm, NSW: WAM Research: almost 20% against rem report
5.03pm, NSW: WAM Active: modest protests on rem and 10% placement
5.11pm, NSW: Asia Pacific Digital: modest 5% protests
5.12pm, NSW: Investis Inspired Solutions: no protests
5.17pm, WA: Boss Resources: no protests
5.21pm, WA: Drake Resources: no protests
5.22pm, WA: Rumble Resources: no protests
5.24pm, WA: Metals Australia: first strike and other big protests
5.26pm, WA: Sunbird Energy: no protests
5.28pm, WA: Siburan Resources: no protests
5.37pm, WA: Sprintex: no protests
5.40pm, WA: Quest Petroleum: 10-20% protests
5.40pm, WA: Energy and Minerals Australia: big protests on range of items
5.40pm, VIC: Go Connect: no protests
5.40pm, WA: RNI: 14% protest against rem
5.41pm, NSW: Bioxyne: no protests
5.42pm, WA: Safety Medical Products: no protests
5.43pm, SA: E&A Ltd: no protests
5.43pm, WA: Venturex Resources: no protests
5.43pm, WA: Soil Sub: 15% against a director
5.56pm, NSW: Watermark Market Neutral Fund: 14% against rem report
21 for the hour with 13 from WA, 6 from NSW, 1 from Victoria and 1 from SA.
6.00pm, WA: South East Asia Resources: 15% protest against various placement resolutions
6.02pm, WA: MMS: no protests
6.02pm, WA: Excalibur Mining: no protests
6.02pm, WA: Peel Mining: no protests
6.03pm, WA: Crade Resources: 20% protest against 10% placement expansion
6.04pm, WA: Image Resources: minor protests but constitution resolution withdrawn
6.07pm, WA: Nex Metals: no protests
6.11pm, WA: Parker Resources: no protests
6.11pm, NSW: Australian Leaders Fund: 12% protest against rem report
6.21pm, NSW: Admiralty Resources: one director withdrew and another incumbent easily defeated
6.27pm, WA: Auroch Minerals: no protests
6.28pm, QLD: Superior Resources: rem defeated, big protests against 2 directors
6.28pm, WA: Global Gold: no protests
6.31pm, VIC/HK: Murchison Holdings: no protests
6.33pm, VIC/HK: Quest Investments: no protest
6.42pm, WA: Truscott Mining: no protests
6.48pm, WA: Fleetwood Corp: 10% protest against rem items
6.50pm, WA: Greenrock Energy: no protest
6.55pm, WA: Kairiki Energy: no protest
6.56pm, WA: Redstone Resources: no protest
20 AGM results in the hour with 15 coming out of WA, 2 from NSW, 2 from Victoria and 1 from Queensland.
7.06pm, NSW: Malachite Resources: 10% protest against several resolutions
7.32pm, WA: Elixir Petroleum: no protest
7.55pm, WA: Promesa: no protests
8.06pm, WA: Leopard Resources: no protests
Just 4 results reported after 7pm with 3 from WA and 1 from NSW.
Total for the day 215
November 28 AGMs where results announced on following Monday
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