Speeches given in 2015

April 27, 2016

Here is a summary of the 22 non-council speeches given in 2015.

Wednesday, March 11: panel discussion at Property Council forum on first 100 days of Andrews Government.

Saturday, March 21: Panel discussion with former students at the old school.

Monday, April 30: speech at fundraiser for challenge to CBA on shareholder class actions

Wednesday, May 6: panel discussion on shareholder activism at ASA national conference in Melbourne.

Wednesday, May 6: Grill the chairs panel discussion at ASA national conference in Melbourne.

Monday, May 11: debate at ANZ about corporate involvement in journalism

Tuesday, May 12:
panel at Swinburne on deliberative democracy

Friday, May 22: presentation at UTS forum examining Australian and Korean shareholder activism

Thursday, May 28: presentation at MAV conference on Melbourne's People's Panel

Wednesday, August 5: ANZSOG presentation on Melbourne's People's Panel

Saturday, August 8: MC of old school's centenary ball

Thursday, August 13: panel discussion on social media at annual VPELA conference in Lorne.

Friday, August 14: panel discussion on bipartisanship with Tom Roper and David O'Brien at annual VPELA conference in Lorne.

Wednesday, August 19: guest lecture at RMIT on financial communication.

September 24: PIA planning speech

Tuesday, October 13: global integrity conference at Griffith University

Wednesday, October 14: global integrity conference at Griffith University

Tuesday, October 20: Carlton Rotary Club speech

Wednesday, October 28: speech to ASX50 company in Sydney.

Tuesday, November 10: panel discussion on MAV governance conference

Monday, November 30: Delivered Planning Institute's annual Kemsley oration.

Thursday, December 3: co-presented 5 Walkley awards with Marina Go.

Tuesday, December 8: presentation to ASA's Manningham branch