2017 speeches and media appearances

January 31, 2025

Here is a time line of Stephen Mayne's media appearances, media mentions and 12 speeches in 2017.

January 9: Tim Shaw interview.

February 20: mentioned on Media Watch about Seven West.

March 1: PRIA presentation.

March 10: interviewed by Tim Shaw about foreign donations.

March 10: interviewed by Bloomberg about Aconex and shorting.

March 13: appeared on The Project about mining tax.

March 17: Chambers of Commerce keynote.

March 17: Leadership Victoria fishbowl.

7.30 story on Kelly O'Dwyer

Interviewed on Newsradio about John Coates.

May 4: commented on Fairfax cuts to ABC radio's PM program

May 3: ASA investor hour with Adele Ferguson.

May 5: Fairfax story on City of Melbourne budget.

May 16: Grill the chairs session at ASA, plus class actions debate.

May 28: Uniting Church (Balwyn) speech on corporate transparency (5.30pm-7.30pm)

June 8: Banking pledge gig in Sydney

July 17: Computershare AGMs panel in Brisbane.

August 3: Peter Mac ethics talk.

August 15: speech to ASA's Monash branch (10am).

November 23: Manningham U3A - noon.

December 12: end of year speech to ASA's Manningham branch