There are 26 files on the Federal Court website which are ranked as follows in terms of size. 1300 pages of material to plough through.
Shonica's closing submissions - 140 pages
Crown's closing submissions - 113 pages
Aristocrat's closing submissions - 88 pages
Jennifer Kanis on expert code of conduct - 38 pages
Crown's opening submissions - 30 pages
Aristocrat's opening submissions - 29 pages
Shonica's opening submissions - 41 pages
Crown pokies manager Attila Seci - 107 pages
Sonya Bauer Crown's responsible gambling manager - 47 pages
Moira Saville affidavit is solicitor cover for two offshore Aristocrat experts - Nower and Ladeucer - 189 pages
Trevor Ross - Aristocrat salesman for Crown - 29 pages
Sudhir Pai, Aristocrat's international compliance officer - 11 pages
Natalie Bryant - executive producer and special projects - 64 pages
Libby Mitchell affidavit - 7 pages
Monica Guy affidavit - 7 pages
Kate Somerville - 7 pages
Conny McLaughlin - 9 pages
Charles Livingstone with plenty of redactions - 27 pages
Tim Conboy wrapping up other experts like Harrigan, Yucel and Deighton - 202 pages
Anna Bardsley affidavit - 9 pages
Robert Ingmire - 5 pages
Amended originating action - 9 pages
Crown defence - 20 pages
Aristocrat defence - 37 pages
Amended statement of claim - 31 pages
How the case played out.
Delayed a day due to court set up and logistics.
Opened with
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