
Pokies trial links

March 27, 2019

There are 26 files on the Federal Court website which are ranked as follows in terms of size. 1300 pages of material to plough through.

Shonica's closing submissions - 140 pages

Crown's closing submissions - 113 pages

Aristocrat's closing submissions - 88 pages

Jennifer Kanis on expert code of conduct - 38 pages

Crown's opening submissions - 30 pages

Aristocrat's opening submissions - 29 pages

Shonica's opening submissions - 41 pages

Crown pokies manager Attila Seci - 107 pages

Sonya Bauer Crown's responsible gambling manager - 47 pages

Moira Saville affidavit is solicitor cover for two offshore Aristocrat experts - Nower and Ladeucer - 189 pages

Trevor Ross - Aristocrat salesman for Crown - 29 pages

Sudhir Pai, Aristocrat's international compliance officer - 11 pages

Natalie Bryant - executive producer and special projects - 64 pages

Libby Mitchell affidavit - 7 pages

Monica Guy affidavit - 7 pages

Kate Somerville - 7 pages

Conny McLaughlin - 9 pages

Charles Livingstone with plenty of redactions - 27 pages

Tim Conboy wrapping up other experts like Harrigan, Yucel and Deighton - 202 pages

Anna Bardsley affidavit - 9 pages

Robert Ingmire - 5 pages

Amended originating action - 9 pages

Crown defence - 20 pages

Aristocrat defence - 37 pages

Amended statement of claim - 31 pages

How the case played out.

Delayed a day due to court set up and logistics.

Opened with