2 questions asked at 2023 Monadelphous AGM

November 23, 2023

Below is the text of the 2 written questions lodged at the 2023 Monadelphous hybrid AGM held on November 21. The lack of questions is partly informed by this account of the 2022 AGM. Was pleased they disclosed proxies early and there were no protest votes.

Q1. Why is the managing director up for election today as most CEOs access the exemption from the 3 year election cycle offered by the Corporations Act. Will the executive chair utilise this exemption in future years?

Answer: the CFO and company secretary explained that the CEO will only be elected once at the start of his and the executive chair will continue to be elected every 3 years. See video of exchange via Twitter.

Q2. Thanks to Kristy for providing detailed written responses to the questions I asked last year and thanks also for publishing a webcast of last year's AGM. You are also doing well by offering a hybrid AGM today, something the likes of Fortescue Metals and Rio Tinto sometimes fail to deliver. You have also done well by declaring the proxy position to the ASX with the formal address and there were no major protest votes. All up, this is very good. I'm off to another AGM where hard questions are warranted. Keep up the good work.

Answer: Not asked, for some strange reason.